Sunday 3 May 2009

If I go Crazy will you still call me Superman?

I'm bored with the whole 'alternative title' thing now... it takes up too much thinking time and seems a bit I'm done with it.... instead I may start using tenuously appropriate song lyrics to title my blogs .... I may even start offering reward incentives to people who can name the song... oooh how school teachery of me!!!!

This weekend the (not so) curly one and I went to Devon to visit my lovely second family and celebrate my (not legally binding) adopted daddy's 60th birthday.... big surprise party complete with family over from Italy, amazing spread, decent music and a bar that let me have a tab... idiots!

The upshot of this weekend is two, perhaps even three fold...

Due to being forced to play with small children all weekend, my darling husband has revoked his previous comments about children and has now decided that they seem like a bad idea in general... which I have to agree with... we would create hairy mutant devil babies... so I'll let this one go for a while until my hormones and ticking biological clock take over and I feel the need to re-enact scenes from Rosemary's Baby in full and irrevocably destroy the body I've only just stopped worrying about ... stupid stupid being a girl

Secondly I've also realised that I need a new pseudonym for the (not so) curly one... since that one is getting truly boring... he came up with a few suggestions of his own... including but not limited to:

Baron von Fuck Muscle
Rufus T Thrustenlove
Sir Pumpsalot
Gash Master 5000
Dwayne T Nibblets - King of Fuck

Oooooo kaaaaaay.....

He was also propositioned by a wonderful gay friend of mine, who when drunk is quite deliberately controversial, with the immortal line "Would you be more upset if I snogged your wife or if I snogged you?"... to which he calmly replied... "I really couldn't tell you until you'd tried it".... brilliant!!!...

I also discovered that my crazy hippie powers now extend to calming small babies and easing period pains with my awesome healing hands..... now if only I could use the power of reiki and energy transference to move objects with my mind, my plans for world domination would be almost complete... muhahahahaha!!!

I might also have watched and possibly enjoyed Twilight....


Marianne said...

Baron Von Fuck Muscle.


Matt said...


The Jolly Blogger said...

Does that mean he'd become the bloody baron at a certain time of the month? I think just shortening it down to the Baron. It sounds menacing and mighty at the same time which is very him.

The Pixie said...

Sam, you're a genius... never let any one tell you differently!

The Baron it is... "Pixie and the Baron".... sounds a little like a weak 60s sitcom don't you think?...

Oh and Matt, shut your Nazi face you Aryan poster child... you're just jealous because you don't have eyes that change colour with your mood... or skin that sparkles in sunlight... or ... or... yeah ok, it's awful...damnit!

Ben said...

I realise that it's a little late to be throwing in my two cents, but I'd say stick with "the curly one". I have a fondness for nicknames that persist long after they have any relavance.

See also: The Boy.

See also: Jeff.

Sam is not a genius. He is a buffoon.