Wednesday 5 November 2008

God Bless America

Alternative Title: Politics I actually got Excited about!

Well then boys and girls, it would seem that, contrary to popular belief, Americans are wise and progressive... yey them

I really hope that the Obamarama can continue well into the next 4-8 years and that he is not assassinated / does something stupid / is not nearly as Godlike as we all want him to be.

I was really excited by this election. I understand that the election of the US President has global significance and I was really really worried that McCain would get in.... not because I had any particular beef with McCain as such... I'm sure he is a very nice chap... no my friends, I was concerned because if McCain was elected, there was a strong chance that he would die in office and that would mean that the Creationist, Moose hunting, pitbull with lipstick, hockey Mom, nut job Sarah 'I'm crazy like a wizard's pocket' Palin, would become President..... I think the Sweet Baby Jesus can rest easy now ... some one sensible was elected... so woopdie doo and yey!

See me now wooping and hooting down the street with gay abandon!!!

If only we could have some exciting politics in this country I might not feel the need to spoil my ballot.

Don't get me wrong... I fully intend to vote... people fought and died for my right to do so... and I shall take that right and treasure it for all it is worth... unfortunately British politicians have a less Deity like quality to them... we all know they are caught up in sleeze and controversy and their policies are either weak or disagreeable... I feel very disillusioned by the British Government and their opposition... they do not excite me... and they should... they should be fighting for my vote... fighting for your vote... fighting for the votes of our future children... but it just seems that they are embroiled in internal conflict and 'yes' men behaviour... the whole thing is very uninspiring.

So, by spoiling my ballot I am registering as a dissident. I am claiming my right to vote but by not voting for any candidate I am making it clear that I do not think any of them worthy to govern the country... couldn't we have a Priminister Obama instead?

Image from one of my favourite web comics: Just making sure I'm not infringing copyright or anything!

So, Cathryn and I, in our infinite wisdom, are celebrating this auspiscious day by eating cookies and blueberry muffins and listening only to music with an American theme - so songs with titles with the names of American cities or States in them - we have got a little bit stuck after nearly 8 hours... so are now moving on to songs by bands with American themed names... watch out Utah Saints, we're coming for you!!!!


Marianne said...

Woo! Obama!!
I can't agree with you more about Sarah Palin.
Pro lifers scare me.
I don't trust any woman who believes we should be expected to give birth to a rapists baby. She's a disgrace to our gender.
