Sunday 9 November 2008

Ich Bin Ein Auslander

Alternative Title: I am so far removed from the social loop you are all just pixels on the virtual horizon

It was terribly liberal Matt's birthday this weekend and a suprise birthday bash had been expertly arranged by the lovely, if a little French Dom and the lovely, if a little Welsh was to be a thing of wonder and a joy to behold.... The Curly one and I couldn't go... rubbish!

Apparently, it is expected in today's modern society for people to exchange this thing called 'money' for goods and services... unaware of this recent turn of events the man mountain and I have not been able to procure the correct amount of this 'money' stuff in order to make doing anything other than living in our house a possibility.... so we stayed in.

We also 4 1/2 manned Onyxia...which made staying in a little more pallitable... but not much (I was the 1/2 man btw... in case you were wondering... I'm not the correct level to be described as a whole man yet... plus I am short and have breasts...also not an asset deemed worthy of full man status)

We also watched a ridiculous animated movie based on the EA game 'Dead Space,' which was very good... and made staying in slightly more pallitable.... but not much....

In case you are unfamiliar with the concept, aliens inhabit the bodies of the dead, warp and mishape them in to hideous undead mutants for our viewing pleasure...these walking mantis men then go about killing regular living people in order to turn them in to more mutant mantis things in an increasingly gory and blood filled manner.... its very Event Horizon meets Aliens meets Resident Evil... but pretty good nonetheless... switch off your brain and enjoy the beautifully styled animation, the continual gurgling screaming and gratuitous blood splatter... admittedly I would still have rather been out getting pissed and eating tapas but this wasn't a bad substitute....

I miss my friends... I wonder what they look like... in my head they are pixelated and are warping into matis men... or possibly fish men... or possibly space lepers ... I really can't be sure which of my virtual past times will replace my friends completely... also I'm calling off Christmas!