Friday 10 October 2008

Sweet Baby Jesus, Save Me From This Hell Hole

Alternative Title: I Need A New Job

I have been working in my current job for about 3 1/2 years... it's easy... I spend my days with greasy mechanics and panel beaters and being one of only two women in the entire company it's pretty much a nice little ego stroke every time I come to work... I am happy with the sexual innuendo, the occassional slap on the arse and the continuous stream of banter.... sometimes it's lots of fun.


Most of the time it is a giant, fly infested, sting your eyes from the smell, steaming pile of human excrement.

I get shit from the customers about issues that have absolutely nothing to do with me. I get shit from the management about issues that have absolutely nothing to do with me. Basically I just get shit all day... about things I have no control over.

I am the lowly office girl for fuck sake... I have no control over what goes on in the workshops - I never touch the bloody cars. If your estimate has a spelling mistake in it then fine, have a go at me, that would be my fault, I typed it... I should learn to spell... fine. If your engine falls out of your 40 year old car because you are too stupid to buy a proper car that isn't shit then don't bring your baggage to my door step... it's nothing to do with me... idiot!

If the managing director is not doing his job properly because he is an incompetent moron, it is not my responsibilty to 'manage' him. He is the MD ... I am the lowly office schmuck who is only doing this job because she needs to pay the rent. It is not my shit to deal with.


So in my infinite wisdom and in a vague attempt to ward of early onset senile dementia, I have decided to start looking for a proper job.

I am fairly well educated. I have a Psychology degree, I have various vocational qualifications in counselling and the like and I have spent years volunteering for a kids charity looking after their mental health, educational welfare and sexual wellbeing... yet apparently I am not qualified or experienced enough to do anything.... or at least anything that involves me using my brain in anyway at all.

I would love to write, I would love to get my PhD with research into the beneficial therapeutic effects of roleplaying and gaming based on Jung's work on the shadow self (so controversial yet so en vogue!). I would love to work with terminally ill kids and their familes (yes I know I'm the giving type) I would love to do anything that does not involve me having to scoop the gooey mess off the floor that has dribbled out of my ear from the years of doing shit jobs that turn my brain to mush just to make sure that I have a tiny flat to go back to at the end of each day and can be kept in cut price beans on toast.

This is not how I imagined my life would be after I graduated.

I had imagined a career, an important role in society, a home with more than 1 bedroom.

Now I know I should just suck it up and get on with it... lots of people have jobs they hate that they work at just to provide for their families and find joy in other aspects of their lives. However, these people are not me.

I have become so obsessed with my loathing for my current role that I am finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on the things that bring me joy outside of my profession. This fucking hell hole is spoiling my love of super hero comics and is infringing on my 'special time' with my man is ruining my chances to watch good movies... it is a crime against nature... it is causing an imbalance in the force.... when a geek cannot get her geek on because every time she goes to her tailoring trainer she is thinking "I could be using this time to look for a good job" or when she cannot stay in "the mood" because she is thinking that she has to get at least 8 hours sleep in order to be able to cope with the day ahead... then clearly something must be done!

I'm proposing some kind of military coup to take down the company. If there is no company, there are no moronic customers, there are no incompotent managers, there is no hellish job. I can spend my time more productively. Looking for a proper job. Or reading more comics. Or getting my game on.

Yes, clearly this is the sensible way forward... I see it now....


Ben said...

A military coup is a super idea, but will require a fair bit of planning. Plus, to pull it off with any success, you'll need a small entourage of gun-toting minions... that would be us geeks, then. We shall bravely charge forwards and roll a D20 to see what happens next...

So I reckon a good ol' fashioned killing spree is probably the way to go, you just need to decide how to arm yourself appropriately. Watch Commando, it's good lesson in preparing for any conceivable situation, and how to improvise when the inconceivable occurs.

Or drinkin', that's always worked for me.

Matt said...

We could fire-bomb the place. But that would still leave you looking for a job. Also, if you do burn the place down, can I go in a steal some tools beforehand, please?