Sunday 5 October 2008

The Love of My Life

Alternative title: I love my husband but he does my fucking nut in

My Husband is a very talented artist... he is also a complete and total fuck tard!

He lacks the confidence and motivation to push himself out into the world. He cannot see that his work is brilliant.

Even after spending hours criticising (and not in the nice, productive way) the work of many fantasy and comic book artist, he still refuses to offer up any of his own work for criticism or for the making of cashy money.... why?... because he is an idiot.... whose sole purpose in life seems to be the perpetuation of my exasperation with him.

How in the hell am I supposed to live my life vicariously through my talented husband if he is unwilling to realise the potential of his talent?

This last week we have been fighting a little more than usual. Now don't get me wrong, we enjoy a good fight, in fact it is almost entirely impossible for us to be nice to each other in public. We are not 'public displays of affection' types - we say 'I love you' by insulting the other one's mother.

In private however this is a little different... except this week. I am stroppy and he is overly sensitive. Usually he is the stroppy, anger driven one... sometimes I wonder whether his skin has an odd shade of green about it...and his occassional warnings of "you won't like me when I'm angry" are quite startlingly accurate. So the fact that our roles seem to have reversed this week clearly shows that all is not right in the world.

So as intended I am using this forum as a source of free marital therapy... also as a base to share some of his art work with you...since he's too much of a big jesse to do it himself. I'm a fan of the proactive approach.

I would like to think that our marriage will last forever, that our dreams will become shared dreams that become realised, that our children will be perfectly behaved little angels who go on to be terribly successful in their chosen fields and that we will die together, safe in the knowledge that our lives have been lead in the pursuit of our goals and in love and in happiness.... and I hope for all of this because I am still a hopeless romantic, despite my cynicism, I still believe that your dreams are still worth striving for, that your talents are gifts that should not be wasted and that however hard life is, obstacles are there to be overcome and if everyone who sees your art work tells you that it is brilliant then that is probably because it is TRUE!!!!!... and that if your wife tells you to pull your fucking finger out and work out just how wonderful you are then you had better start believing her and doing as she says before she is forced to take drastic and violent measures!

Now rant over. Please enjoy some more of the artistic stylings of the one man I love without question, the giant curly ass hat, I like to call Bob.